FRIDAY (July 5/June 22) ︱ St. Alban, Proto-Martyr of Great Britain
7.30 am ︱ Morning service
8.45 am ︱ Breakfast
Transport to the Hermitage (hotel guests only)
10.00 am ︱ Session III: Christian Ecology ︱ Chaired by Hieromon. Ireney Pikovsky
5. Bishop Jov (Bandmann): Man as a Threat to the Environment: Saint Justin of Celje's Spiritual Therapy
6. Nun Andrea (Vlachos): Nature vive: to graft the Logos into the tree of the world.
11.30 am ︱ Coffee break
7. Cornelia Delkeskamp-Hayes: Humanism, Ecumenism, and Ecology: How to Render St. Justin's Theology fFuitful for the West
12.45 am ︱ Break
1 pm︱Lunch
2.30 pm ︱ Session IV: Holiness ︱ Chaired by Father Roman Tarabrin
8. Hieromonach Grigorie Stavarache: The theology of sacred space in the Western literature of the 21st century
9. Father Adrian Iuga: The gift of theologizing and the testimony of the right faith as a criterion of canonisation in the orthodox Church
4.00 pm ︱ Coffee break
4.30 pm ︱ Session V: Watchfulness ︱ Chaired by Father Adrian Iuga
10. Professor. Patrick Bradley: ‘Woe to any Thought of mine which is not set forth, which does not transform into Prayer!' or how St. Justin's Philosophy calls Man to install an effective spiritual Spam Filter for his Nous
11. Nun Lioba: Christ, our Living Mirror and the Temptation of Alternative Theories and Methods for Gaining Self-Knowledge
6.00 pm ︱ Dinner
7.00 pm ︱ Evening Service
9.00 pm ︱ Hospitality at the Gickelshuis